Honister Green Slate - Native Earth - 40ml


Integrity and authenticity, surely the basis of all creative activity. Well this paint displays both in large amounts.

This is from the 'bespoke' range from Wallace Seymour. The mother rock of this pigment is slate. When cut, slates deposit fine milled powder, which is cleaned, sieved, washed and air dried, before being carefully sieved to 50 micron.

It's like a fine wine and not everyone will appreciate its subtleties. The pigment is deliberately left 'gritty' in order to provide the best hue and it gives it such a beautiful handling quality in this world of homogenous buttery paint, you can feel it under the knife and on the canvas. Yes!

A light green grey hue, in masstone it has a certain brightness. The tints are subtle green greys, it has very little body and paints long. It is slightly greyer and almost browner than the Tavush Green.

Honister is in the Lake District in the UK and truly an inspiring place (see the image opposite of Honister), when using this paint it isn't hard to imagine yourself in the wild mountains, where this pigment has rested for millennia. For me, as you can probably tell this is how paint making should be, fantastic.

Technical Overview

Pigment - Native Earth/Green Slate

Opacity - Transparent

Binder - Linseed Oil

Tinting Power - Low





Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Clare Thatcher
Honister slate native earth

Gives good coverage and is a beautiful colour. Personally I think a little less oil could be added when making the paint as I find it could be thicker. This would result in a more opaque finish requiring fewer layers.

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