A transparent, dark blue made of synthetic red iron oxide, transparent yellow oxide and Prussian blue.
The Prussian blue is dominant in the mix and the other pigments are basically muting the chroma of that dominant pigment, so you end up with a green leaning, muted blue.
In masstone as expected it is very dark, with no hint of its inherent hue. Once spread out with a palette knife, the white ground shows through, but it isn't as transparent as pure Prussian blue. It is a strong tinter and gives a wide range of cold, steely, blue green, greys.
This is going to work for someone who likes the qualities of Prussian blue (opacity, hue) but finds it too overpowered or hard to manage. Going to work very well for someone trying to capture that greenish edge you find in the sea.
Technical Overview
Pigments - PR101, PY42, PB27
Vehicle - Linseed Oil
Opacity - Transparent
Tint Power - Medium/Strong